Hi-Trans Express

Hi-Trans Express
Founded in 1969, Hi-Trans Express has grown to become one of Australia’s major National Transport Operators. Hi-Trans Express specialises in general and express road transport of palletised freight. With warehousing and distribution services located in every capital city in Australia, the company has built a well-established network of distribution routes that are supported by sophisticated systems, operations and technology.

Cost of Management

  • Streamlined procurement process with pre-set bundles
  • Improved efficiency of SIM transfers between cost centres
  • Significant time savings on bill analysis

of Fleet

  • Fast, easy identification of incorrect charges and credits resulting from fleet movements and SDWAN project
  • Easy identification and management of unallocated and redundant services


  • Allocation of asset ownership at procurement, movement & termination for governance & account hygiene


  • Optimised processes and removal of manual, fragmented tasks across IT and Finance freed up ~1.25x headcount
  • Better visibility and improved governance

The Challenge

Hi-Trans Express had a manual, high-labour telecoms management environment that was costing the business significant time and money. The company procured devices via a Telstra Partner email address, which gave little visibility of the transaction post email, and a clunky process for checking expenses against procurement agreements.

Post procurement, the organisation adopted manual processes for allocating new services to employees and cost centres and transferring SIMs between people and cost centres. As such, the workflows were prone to error and omission, which added significant labour to IT and finance when trying to reconcile.

With poor information around employees and cost centres, the company’s use of T-Analyst for bill analysis was insufficient, leading to the adoption of Power BI for analysis. This time-consuming analysis process created some insights, however was unable to fix the breakage between services, assets, employees and cost centres.

Such fragmentation and manual processes led to significant operational wastage and frustration in managing mobile and telecom.

The Solution

Hi-Trans Express implemented Bluewater with its new Telstra Partner and progressively streamlined all telecoms management activity. The organisation now manages the full lifecycle via one platform, benefiting from:

  • A streamlined procurement process with a tailored procurement catalogue, pre-defined bundles and approval workflows.
  • All service and asset information linked directly to cost centres and employees at point of procurement or change, maintaining fleet hygiene and accountability of users.
  • Immediate access to billing information in a form that highlights variances and enables quick and easy analysis of movements.
  • Visibility and controls that deliver a consistent governance of the fleet.
  • Efficient engagement with the company’s Telstra Partner

The Outcome

The Bluewater platform has empowered Hi-Trans Express to efficiently manage their entire telecom environment through one single platform.

Such proactive management has delivered customer-estimated ROI of 2-3 x the cost of the platform already. Not only has the organisation saved the time of one full-time resource which can be deployed to more value-adding activity, but full visibility has also enabled stakeholders with the right information to hold more productive conversations with Telstra, thus improving the carrier relationship, and optimised carrier costs.

“In our historical processes there was a lot of manual work, which left the opportunity for mistakes. Bluewater has massively improved the day to day tasks required to manage our fleet and efficiency in managing cost. Bluewater also helps streamline and improve my interactions with Telstra.”
Lloyd Jones
General Manager Information Technology
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