Consolidate workflow and data for control and cost saving across mobile devices, services, and telecom spend.

Achieve a 300%+ return on your Bluewater platform.

Finance and IT teams use Bluewater to unite organisational information with service provider/s and carrier/s data into one platform for exceptional oversight, management and organisational reporting.

Bluewater brings visibility and control to device and service lifecycle management, delivering:

  • Cost savings
  • Improved governance
  • Data visibility, and
  • Streamlined workflows
APA Testimonial
"The Bluewater platform and Telestar-managed service offering has allowed me to optimise the account on an ongoing basis and significantly improve governance in our business. The service has provided a strong return on investment. I look at the Bluewater platform as an integral part of the managed service Telestar provides my business. To me, it’s all one.”
APA Telecommunications Manager
JJ Richards
“Bluewater provides us with the visibility and control that is required to effectively manage our changing fleet.”
Project Assistant
Royal Flying Doctor
“Bluewater streamlines the operational interface with Telstra and its partners and empowers us to better manage our mobile fleet. I love Bluewater. [It has] really changed my life.”
CT Manager, RFDS Western Operations
Neami National
“Previous process was complicated and time consuming with multiple systems; as well as being resource intensive. Bluewater easily highlights things that we need to investigate or action, which is necessary to keep the fleet in check.”
Neami National IT Support Officer​
Ready to get started?

Find out how Bluewater can help you save time and money to achieve a positive ROI.